Origin Error Code 20.403 – Discover The Causes, Solutions, and Prevention

Origin Error Code 20.403

In the digital realm, encountering error codes is not uncommon, and one such error that users may come across while accessing online services is Origin Error Code 20.403. 

This error typically indicates a problem with accessing or connecting to the Origin platform, which is a digital distribution platform developed by Electronic Arts for purchasing and playing video games. 

Understanding the causes of this error and exploring potential solutions can help users resolve the issue and get back to enjoying their gaming experience without interruptions.

Causes of Origin Error Code 20.403:

  1. Server Connectivity Issues: One of the primary causes of Error Code 20.403 is server connectivity issues. This could occur due to server maintenance, downtime, or network congestion, preventing the user’s device from establishing a stable connection with the Origin servers.

    Causes of Origin Error Code 20.403
    Source: yourdigilab
  • Firewall or Antivirus Interference: Sometimes, overprotective firewall or antivirus settings on the user’s device may block Origin from accessing the internet or communicating with the necessary servers, leading to Error Code 20.403.
  • Corrupted Origin Cache: The Origin client stores temporary files and data in its cache to improve performance. If the cache becomes corrupted or outdated, it can interfere with the proper functioning of the client and result in error messages like Error Code 20.403.
  • Outdated Origin Client: Using an outdated version of the Origin client may also trigger Error Code 20.403. New updates and patches are released periodically to address bugs, improve performance, and enhance security. Failing to update the client may lead to compatibility issues with the servers.
  • Network Configuration Problems: Issues with the user’s network configuration, such as incorrect DNS settings, IP address conflicts, or router misconfigurations, can also contribute to Error Code 20.403 by hindering communication between the user’s device and the Origin servers.

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Solutions to Origin Error Code 20.403:

Solutions to Origin Error Code 20.403
Source: stealthoptional
  • Check Server Status: Before troubleshooting on your end, it’s advisable to check the status of the Origin servers. Websites like Downdetector or the official EA Help Twitter account provide real-time updates on server outages or maintenance activities.
  • Disable Firewall or Antivirus: Temporarily disable any firewall or antivirus software running on your device and try accessing Origin again. If the error disappears after disabling the security software, consider adjusting the settings to allow Origin access while maintaining security.
  • Clear Origin Cache: Clearing the Origin cache can resolve many client-related issues, including Error Code 20.403. To do this, open the Origin client, go to Application Settings, select the Diagnostics tab, and click on “Clear Cache Data.”
  • Update Origin Client: Ensure that you are using the latest version of the Origin client. Check for updates in the client settings or download the latest version from the official Origin website and install it on your device.
  • Reset Network Configuration: Resetting your network configuration can help resolve connectivity issues. Restart your router/modem, flush DNS cache, and renew your IP address to ensure a fresh connection to the internet.
  • Contact Origin Support: If none of the above solutions work, and you continue to experience Error Code 20.403, consider reaching out to Origin support for further assistance. Provide them with details about the error and steps you’ve taken to troubleshoot, so they can offer personalized guidance.

Prevention Measures for Origin Error Code 20.403:

Prevention Measures for Origin Error Code 20.403
Source: makeuseof
  • Regularly Monitor Server Status: Stay informed about the status of the Origin servers by checking official channels for updates on maintenance schedules or outages. This proactive approach can help you anticipate potential connectivity issues and plan accordingly.
  • Maintain Updated Security Software: Ensure that your firewall and antivirus software are up-to-date and configured to allow Origin access to the internet. Regularly review and adjust security settings to strike a balance between protection and accessibility.
  • Frequently Clear Origin Cache: Incorporate regular cache clearing into your maintenance routine to prevent the accumulation of corrupted or outdated data in the Origin client. This proactive measure can help prevent various client-related errors, including Error Code 20.403.
  • Stay Current with Origin Client Updates: Keep your Origin client updated to the latest version available. Enable automatic updates if possible or regularly check for updates manually to ensure compatibility with server configurations and minimize the risk of encountering errors.
  • Perform Periodic Network Health Checks: Routinely inspect your network configuration for any issues that may affect connectivity to the Origin servers. Addressing network-related problems promptly can help prevent Error Code 20.403 and other connectivity issues.

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1. What does Origin Error Code 20.403 indicate?

Origin Error Code 20.403 typically indicates a problem with accessing or connecting to the Origin platform, commonly encountered while using the digital distribution platform developed by Electronic Arts for gaming.

2. What are the primary causes of Origin Error Code 20.403?

The primary causes include server connectivity issues, firewall or antivirus interference, corrupted Origin cache, outdated Origin client, and network configuration problems.

3. How can I check if the Origin servers are experiencing issues?

You can check the status of the Origin servers in real-time using websites like Downdetector or by following the official EA Help Twitter account for updates on server outages or maintenance activities.

4. What steps can I take to troubleshoot Origin Error Code 20.403?

Troubleshooting steps include checking server status, disabling firewall or antivirus software temporarily, clearing the Origin cache, updating the Origin client, resetting network configuration, and contacting Origin support if needed.

5. How can I prevent encountering Origin Error Code 20.403 in the future?

Prevention measures include regularly monitoring server status, maintaining updated security software, frequently clearing Origin cache, staying current with Origin client updates, and performing periodic network health checks.

6. Why is it important to keep security software updated?

Keeping security software updated ensures that firewall and antivirus settings are configured to allow Origin access to the internet, minimizing the chances of interference and connectivity issues.

7. What should I do if none of the troubleshooting steps work?

If none of the troubleshooting steps resolve the issue, consider reaching out to Origin support for further assistance. Provide them with details about the error and steps you’ve taken to troubleshoot.

8. How can I ensure a smooth gaming experience on the Origin platform?

To ensure a smooth gaming experience, stay proactive by keeping software and systems updated, staying informed about server status updates, and adopting preventive measures to minimize potential errors like Origin Error Code 20.403.


Origin Error Code 20.403 can be frustrating, but with patience and the right troubleshooting steps, it can usually be resolved. By understanding the potential causes of the error, implementing the suggested solutions, and adopting prevention measures, users can minimize the likelihood of encountering such errors in the future. Remember to stay proactive, keep your software and systems updated, and stay informed about server status updates to ensure a smooth gaming experience on the Origin platform.

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